New Facebook Guidelines?

So… everyone raise your hand if you have seen (or posted) this message about “New Facebook Guidelines” in your Facebook Newsfeed?

“In response to the new Facebook guidelines I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, illustrations, comics, paintings, professional photos and videos, etc. (as a result of the Berner Convention).

For commercial use of the above my written consent is needed at all times!

(Anyone reading this can copy this text and paste it on their Facebook Wall. This will place them under protection of copyright laws. By the present communiqué, I notify Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, disseminate, or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and/or its contents. The aforementioned prohibited actions also apply to employees, students, agents and/or any staff under Facebook”s direction or control. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of my privacy is punished by law (UCC 1 1-308-308 1-103 and the Rome Statute).

Facebook is now an open capital entity. All members are recommended to publish a notice like this, or if you prefer, you may copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once, you will be tacitly allowing the use of elements such as your photos as well as the information contained in your profile status updates.”


WOW! What the heck is going on???

Well, frankly, not much… In fact, this message isn’t new at all. It’s just a hoax message that has surfaced several times over the years in many forms.

The fact is that if you copy, paste, and repost this message, you’re really not doing anything that will protect you or your content on Facebook. From a logical perspective, Facebook isn’t going to scroll through all of the countless status updates of over 1 billion Facebook users to see if you said it’s not OK for them to share your photos, etc. Even if they did, it wouldn’t matter.

Remember that when we all signed up for Facebook, we agreed to the Terms and Conditions. Yes, you do own the copyright (so to speak) to your photos and your content. But under the Facebook terms, you grant Facebook permission to use, distribute, and share the things you post.

So what can you do?

Know your privacy settings. When you are logged in to Facebook, click the drop-down arrow next to “Home” in the top-right corner of the page, and select “Privacy Settings” from the listed options. Click through the “Edit Settings” option for each of these items and adjust the settings to better control who can see what you post. Facebook does have the right to share your content, but ultimately you have control to say who can see it.

Remember that we are all on here for the social interaction. Unfortunately, part of this world includes people who love to create hoaxes to upset and confuse the users. Don’t fall prey to these hoaxes.

Here’s a good rule of thumb on Facebook. Most things that ask you to copy and paste are either fakes, scams, or spam. (Or at best, they are simply annoying…) When in doubt, just copy and paste the first few lines into Google to verify if there is any truth to the post. Sites like are always good for letting you know what”s good and what isn”t. Definitely check them out and save that site to your bookmarks!

There will always be hoaxes, but now you are better prepared to know how to deal with them.

What other hoaxes have you seen recently? Do you ignore them, or do you let your friends know they are hoaxes? Let me know in the comments.


Is THIS on your Frankenstorm emergency checklist?


Bottled Water? Check.

Food? Check.

Batteries? Check.

First aid kit? Check.

Facebook and Twitter… wait… what?



Last year the Northeastern US was surprised by a Halloween blizzard, and this year we have a festive little hurricane dubbed “Frankenstorm” on the way to pay us a visit.  As with any type of severe weather, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. (For a complete emercency list, click HERE.) But how often do you see “Social Media” on this emergency preparedness list?

If this storm is as bad as currently predicted, there is a significant chance of power outages. (Remember last year when some areas were without electricity for over a week?) The aftermath of fallen trees may not only affect power lines, but also phone and internet service as well. If nothing else in your home is working, your mobile device may be your saving grace! After all, we’ve seen the power of social media shine through in Hurricane Irene, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.

SO – If you have a smartphone, iPad, or other mobile device, remember to harness the power of social media to keep you connected. You may not have enough battery life to call all of your family and friends, but you can post periodic updates on your safety to Facebook or Twitter to share with everyone in one easy post. (Note: If you don’t have one, you may want to pick up a car charging kit for your mobile device for an alternative way to recharge that battery!)

In addition to posting your own updates, you may want to follow these accounts prior to and during the storm:














Facebook / Twitter


Use these as a starter to your “Social Media Hurricane Kit”, and keep looking for others. For example, does your city have a Facebook page or Twitter account? How about your power company or other utilities? Take some time and check today so getting these updates during the storm will be as easy as seeing multiple pics of your friend’s baby and/or their lunch online.

So… if you are in the path of Frankenstorm, what are YOU doing to prepare? Feel free to share your emergency preparedness tips in the comments!







It’s Spirit Day!

I know that on Fridays, most of our thoughts are on the upcoming weekend. But today I’d like to bring your attention to a very serious topic… bullying.

Today is Spirit Day. So if you’re wondering why everyone on Facebook has made their profile pic purple and you keep seeing #spiritday on Twitter, now you know. But what IS Spirit Day?

Spirit Day is an annual day in October when millions of Americans wear purple to speak out against bullying and to show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth.

All of us likely experienced some form of bullying when we were younger. But many years ago that bullying often ended when you got off of the bus and arrived at home. Today, that is no longer the case.

While social media is a wonderful way to easily keep in touch with friends and family, it never “shuts off”. That kid who called a child names on the bus might now post those names online publicly, where others may see and join in on the harassment.

So what can you do to help?

If you are a parent who thinks your child is being bullied online, I can understand that you may not feel comfortable enough with social media to know exactly where to start. Don’t worry. Facebook and Twitter have some excellent resources for you! Check them out below:




If you see someone being bullied, SAY SOMETHING! We’ve all been there. It hurts. So if you witness bullying online or in person, speak up. You might just save a life.


If you are being bullied, I urge you to stay strong. If you are not already familiar with the privacy settings on social media sites, take some time and get to know them. Additionally, Facebook has some great Q&A that might just be of assistance HERE.

But most importantly, surround yourself with a caring and positive group of friends and family. Speak to them openly about what you are experiencing, how it makes you feel, and what you can do to make it better.

If you don’t feel like you have someone to talk to, The Trevor Project is always there.  From the Trevor Space community to the Ask Trevor Q&A, to Trevor Chat, or the Trevor Lifeline, they understand what you’re going through and offer outstanding support.


So whether you are being bullied, or you know or see someone who is, I encourage you to take some time today to stand up and do something about it. It’s important to know that you are NOT alone, and like they say, IT GETS BETTER!


I leave you with one of my favorite quotes.

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one”s definition of your life; define yourself.”

-Harvey Fierstein


So do you feel ready to take a stand against bullying? Good!

Leave a comment and share what YOU will do today to make a difference!

Have a great Spirit Day, everyone!

The Bleach Has Gone To My Head!

While running some errands this week, I stopped to pick up a few boxes of hair color. Actually this is a pretty normal thing for me, as I haven’t seen my own natural hair color since I was 17 years old.  Yes, my online headshot is only about one year old, but my hair color is prone to change far more often.

For those who haven’t met me in person, I like change….a lot! In fact, over the years I’ve pretty much done all of the colors – from the standard brown, black , blonde, and red, to the more shocking blue, green, purple, etc. With that said, it’s a pretty regular occurrence for me to purchase three or four boxes of dye at a time.

As I piled the boxes on the checkout counter, the cashier asked me: “Are you a barber? I mean, do you do people’s hair?”

“Well” I answered, “I do mine.”

“Seriously?” the cashier asked. “I always wanted to try blonde hair, but I’m scared.”

“So what’s stopping you?” I blurted out. “No. Really. Why not do it today? Try the blonde, and if it doesn’t work out, dye it back to your natural color.”

Yeah. He wasn’t expecting that. As he tried to form a response, I could see that he was both surprised and intrigued. After a moment he replied, “You know… I might just go for it!”

Many of us have these little things that we’d like to try in our lives, but there’s that little voice of fear whispering, “Don’t do it!”.

Why is that? Why do we give in so easily?

This is as true in daily life as it is in my business. Sometimes when working with clients, they have wonderful ideas of different things they’d like to share on Facebook and Twitter, but they are afraid to try them out. I say WHY NOT TRY IT?

After all, we have all seen a business online that only talks about their products and promotions, and not much else. While this isn’t always a bad thing for every business, it can potentially become, well… boring. In most cases there are many companies out there representing your field. So why should a customer choose you?

This is why it’s critical for you to let your personality shine through in your social media presence! People connect with real people, not just logos and promotions.

Whether you express yourself with bleached hair, a passion for caffeine, or anything else, be sure that you take the time to be yourself! And don’t be afraid!

In the words of Oscar Wilde:

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”


Change Your Perspective!


Today’s Lesson: Change Your Perspective!

I have a fear of “panoramic heights”. There. I’ve said it.

I’m fine in an airplane, and I can usually handle myself in tall buildings. But give me floor-to-ceiling windows or one of those revolving restaurants atop a tower, and my heart will pound like it is ready to jump out of my chest! So imagine my fear when we were getting in a hot air balloon at 6AM to fly over the Maasai Mara plains in Kenya!

I would have been completely content to stay on the ground and experience those views, but our itinerary that morning called for a new experience. As we lay on our backs in the basket waiting for takeoff, I became very nervous and quickly jumped out, afraid that I couldn’t go through with this. But… after some deep breaths and encouraging words from the pilot, I got back in, ready to take on the adventure.

And WOW! Facing this fear was definitely worth it!

As the sun rose over the plains, we serenely drifted over the great herds. Everything took on a brand new perspective with intense and bold dimensions, and my fear was instantly gone.  After adjusting to this new way of seeing things, I began to snap tons of pictures and capture as much video as I could. I also seem to recall saying “I cannot wait to Tweet this! Is there WiFi up here?” which seemed to make the pilot’s day.

It’s so easy in social media (and in our lives for that matter) to get stuck in a rut and look at things in the same way. But we need to step out of our comfort zones and look at things from a new perspective. If we don’t, we may miss out on seeing something really amazing!

After this experience, I know I’ll always look for new perspectives!

So what kind of person are you on Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Are you a creature of habit who sticks with their daily posting/reading routine? Or do you like to shake things up a bit and try to see something new?

Let me know in the comments…

Pride Is Everything!


Today’s Lesson: Pride Is Everything!

Did you know that lions are the only cat species that form social groups? It’s In fact, I guess you could say that PRIDES would be the social network for lions, with each pride typically including approximately five females, two males, and their young. They play together, hunt together… everything. It’s clear that this community, this family is important.

What about your family? Whether you have a traditional family of blood-relatives, a Bohemian family of choice, or anything in between, remember to take time out to appreciate and spend time with them, too. It’s easy to get sucked into the “virtual world” of status updates, tweets, and texting, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But remember that it’s always healthy (and recommended) to unplug for a little while and regroup with those who are important in your life!

Now let’s get personal.

Are you proud of what you do and who you are? You should be!

Hold your head high and carry yourself with confidence! Your social media presence, like any area of your life, should be something that you have thought about, worked hard on, and put out for others to see and enjoy.

It’s not enough just to “phone it in” with a few scattered posts. You should think about what you want to share, and then do this with passion!

When you take the time to really give something that is meaningful and important to you, you will see better results.

So today (and every day!)… be like these lions, and BE PROUD!


What Africa Taught Me About Social Media

JAMBO! (That’s “Hello” in Swahili.)

I recently returned from an amazing African safari booked through the stellar Micato Safaris, and WOW! There were so many intense and surreal experiences that I could probably write a book. But for now, how about a blog?

My friend Gay Gasser from Mirth in a Box (coolest gift boxes ever!) suggested that I share some of our photos with you in my new blog series –


No. Seriously… there are lessons everywhere if you just look.

Today’s Lesson: Don’t Be A Leopard!

Leopards are notoriously secretive and elusive, and will disappear in seconds after they are spotted. (Wait… aren’t they always spotted?) We were fortunate that the camera was on and up when we came across this one, as moments later it was gone.

So what does this have to do with social media? Everything!

If you want your business to be seen, then you must take every opportunity to get out there and be spotted. Don’t run and hide from new possibilities. In fact, you should throw yourself into them and become the social being that will help your business thrive!

So be honest… are you a leopard when it comes to seeing new things? Do you shy away online, or do you get out there and connect with others?

RIP Flipcam

Dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes…to the Flip Cam.



Sadly, it’s true. Today Cisco announced that they will close down its Flip business as part of a company restructure.

This isn’t necessarily a surprising decision considering the alternatives. Many smartphones can record video and instantly upload to YouTube, etc., which is definitely a time-saver compared to the Flip.

So what does this mean for Flip-junkies everywhere (myself included)? Cisco claims they will offer Flip customers with a transition plan. There are no details yet to indicate what this plan may be, but my plan is to keep searching for the next best thing!

My question to all of those mourning the death of the Flip:

How will you record and post your videos once the Flip is no longer with us? Smartphone? Tablet? Other device?

Please share your memories of the Flip in the comments below and let me know what device will replace it for you.

Yellow What? Time to say goodbye…

I’ve asked this several times before, and I’ll ask it again –

Does anyone seriously still use the Yellow Pages to advertise their business today?

Sure, it may have been the place to advertise for many of us when we were growing up, but times have changed and the glory days of this bulky yellow book are definitely in the past.  Today it’s much more common to find the Yellow Pages lying in untouched stacks in apartment building lobbies, or abandoned on the ground next to residential mailboxes, waiting for the trash collection service to pick them up. The few that actually make it inside the house are less likely to be found near the phone, and more likely to be used as makeshift doorstops or booster seats for a child.

Don’t you wish you could just tell them to stop wasting the paper to send you this book you never use? Well, now you can do just that!

A new site has been launched at to allow you to manage which directories (if any) you would like to receive. The process takes a few minutes, but it’s well worth it. So take a few minutes today and OPT OUT!

And of course, if you’d like some ideas on how you can more effectively use social media to promote your business online (you know…where your customers are right now…), CONTACT ME!