3 Ways to Make A Snow Day Better

IT”S SNOWING! Now what?

Yes. It”s snowing. In New England in the winter. I”m just as shocked as you are.

Since you”re reading this, there is a good chance that you are lucky enough to still have an Internet connection. But everyone on Facebook is complaining about bread, milk, eggs, and toilet paper. So what do you do?

Well, here are a few ideas to pass the time and make it better.

If you write a blog for your business, take advantage of the downtime to enjoy some casual and fun writing. Sure, the kids maybe home from school and the volume levels in the house may rival a small concert… but is it really any better in the office?

So what if you don”t blog for your business? If you have ever thought of writing a personal blog, why not go for it today? Blogging is a great way to express yourself, so head over to a site like www.blogger.com and start your own blog right now!

With so many people home from work and school today, Facebook is definitely going to be busy with all sorts of commentaries. On one hand, it is great that you may finally see some updates from a friend you haven”t connected with a while. On the other hand, we all have those friends who drip negativity and only post complaints. Or even worse… Vaguebookers!!! (I. Just. Can”t.)

Did you know you can filter what you see in your Facebook News Feed? If someone is overly negative and you don”t want to see it anymore, but you also don”t want to unfriend them, simply do the following;

Hover over the post and a drop-down arrow will appear in the top right corner of the post.

From the options that appear, click on Unfollow

There. You”re still friends with them, but there will be no more of that person cluttering your day and bringing you down!

Remember when snow days were so exciting? Why did that have to stop?

So (after you comment on and share this blog, of course...) head outside and make a snowman! Make some snow angels!

Just be sure to post some pics to Instagram and maybe even some six-second videos to Vine. Leave your name in the comments and I”ll come check out your pics!

What else are you doing to pass the time and enjoy this snow day today?


13 thoughts on “3 Ways to Make A Snow Day Better

  1. Great ideas! I’ve been writing future blog post ( right now cheesy pick up lines)) and I think I’ll make a snow man later!

  2. Yes, I could do without the “vaguebookers.” And I’ve got quite a few actual friends with poor judgement, I need to unfollow. There is definitely too much hate out there.

  3. Since I can work remotely I’m pretty much working! BUT thanks to everyone else having a snow day I’m ACTUALLY GETTING THINGS DONE! Woo-hoo!

  4. Great ideas! I think I’ll take you up on that first idea of working on a blog post!! But right now I’m about to go brave the storm for coffee!

  5. I actually got a new client who is starting later today so it’s a quiet work day rather than a snow day for me. Now I’m actually prepping for some new services for this new client. But about the negativity on Facebook, thanks for the reminder about how to remove them from my new feed.

  6. I used to clean my house on snow days. Now, not so much.
    I love to use the time to light a fire and knit, but think I will try blogging, or at least organizing my thoughts for future posts.

    Thanks for the great ideas!

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