3 Ways to Make A Snow Day Better

IT”S SNOWING! Now what?

Yes. It”s snowing. In New England in the winter. I”m just as shocked as you are.

Since you”re reading this, there is a good chance that you are lucky enough to still have an Internet connection. But everyone on Facebook is complaining about bread, milk, eggs, and toilet paper. So what do you do?

Well, here are a few ideas to pass the time and make it better.

If you write a blog for your business, take advantage of the downtime to enjoy some casual and fun writing. Sure, the kids maybe home from school and the volume levels in the house may rival a small concert… but is it really any better in the office?

So what if you don”t blog for your business? If you have ever thought of writing a personal blog, why not go for it today? Blogging is a great way to express yourself, so head over to a site like www.blogger.com and start your own blog right now!

With so many people home from work and school today, Facebook is definitely going to be busy with all sorts of commentaries. On one hand, it is great that you may finally see some updates from a friend you haven”t connected with a while. On the other hand, we all have those friends who drip negativity and only post complaints. Or even worse… Vaguebookers!!! (I. Just. Can”t.)

Did you know you can filter what you see in your Facebook News Feed? If someone is overly negative and you don”t want to see it anymore, but you also don”t want to unfriend them, simply do the following;

Hover over the post and a drop-down arrow will appear in the top right corner of the post.

From the options that appear, click on Unfollow

There. You”re still friends with them, but there will be no more of that person cluttering your day and bringing you down!

Remember when snow days were so exciting? Why did that have to stop?

So (after you comment on and share this blog, of course...) head outside and make a snowman! Make some snow angels!

Just be sure to post some pics to Instagram and maybe even some six-second videos to Vine. Leave your name in the comments and I”ll come check out your pics!

What else are you doing to pass the time and enjoy this snow day today?


Will Social Media Make Me Watch The Super Bowl?

It’s almost SUPER BOWL time!!!

Yes. If you know me at all, you know that I am pretty much… well… “Sports Illiterate”. Seriously, I’m pretty much the guy that might yell out “Homerun!” at a party on Sunday and get pelted by flying Buffalo wings from angry fans. But mix in social media, and I’m there!

With that in mind, I’m pleased to share that this year’s Super Bowl has enough social media fun to keep me interested.

Whether you’re a real sports fan, the spouse who is dragged along to the parties, or a techie kind of guy like me, you won’t want to miss out on some of this!

Of course you can do the traditional things like following your favorite team and players on Facebook and Twitter, but here are some other fun highlights:

Coke Chase Coke is always in the action for Super Bowl commercials, and this year is no different with CokeChase.com. When you visit the Coke Chase website, you can view the first part of a commercial where Showgirls, Badlanders, and Cowboys rush through the desert towards a large bottle of coke.

And the interactive element? You get to choose which team you want to win the race AND you get to choose to “sabotage” one of the other teams. Go vote now! Tomorrow the winning ending will be revealed during the Super Bowl.


LikeBowl Which team do you want to win? Go to LikeBowl.com and “Like” and “Share” your favorite team to help them score in this poll!


VineBowl Twitter’s new service Vine gets in the action this year with VineBowl. Fans are encouraged to create 6-second looping videos to answer the question – Whose fans are louder?


Shazam Remember Shazam? It’s the smartphone app that you “listens” to music and tells you the name of the song and artist. They may not be talked about very often lately, but this year they are in the game (so to speak) by making Super Bowl commercials more interactive. Use Shazam during the game to unlock special offers and more content.


Mobile Viewing For the first time ever, this year’s Super Bowl will be streamed for mobile devices at www.cbssports.com. Of course everyone prefers to watch on the big screen, but when you access the game on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can pick your own camera view! No… really. How’s that for technology hard at work?


So let’s bring on the game and score a social media homeru… umTOUCHDOWN!

After all, did you know that 60% of people watching the Super Bowl will be on their mobile devices during the game?

What about you? Which of the items above interest you the most? Any others you want to share?